When you believe you can’t conceive a child, it can be quite devastating. It’s especially true if you grew up believing having children would come easy for you. But don’t fall into that trap, because believing that you can’t have a child will make it less likely to conceive.
Whether it be due to trying for an extended amount of time with no luck, or a doctor telling you that it isn’t possible, the key is to take steps to turn that energy around so that you will soon be holding a beautiful bundle of joy in your arms.
The most important thing that you must do is let go of the thought that there is no chance for you to have a baby. Simply look at the world around you. You likely know a number of women that were told that they were never going to have a baby of their own, but then became pregnant when they least expected it.
If you ask them what had changed in their life, most will tell you that they no longer made the desire to have a baby a negative situation. Instead, they appreciated what they had, and decided that if they were going to have a child, it would happen when it was meant to.
There are even stories of people accepting that they weren’t going to to conceive, so they decided to adopt, only to give birth just nine months later. Again, it is the same idea, once it was no longer a major cause of stress in their minds, it happened without them forcing it.
Once you let go of the sadness, fear, devastation and other negative energy that surrounds your desire to bear a child, you are ready to focus on fully manifesting it into your life. This method comes from a recommendation in the 15 Minute Manifestation program.
The main thing you need to do is to think about your future child as though it is a certainty. Imagine yourself feeding your child, holding them in your arms, playing with them at the park and anything else that you would look forward to doing with your future baby. This will help to put your dreams into focus and attract that which you desire to you.
The Laws of Attraction have shown to millions of people around the world that if you believe something to be true, and focus on that, whether it be positive or negative, that is what is going to come into your life. By focusing on the positive and what you hope to happen, the more likely it is that you will see it come to fruition.
The key is to keep that in mind and not let what anyone else says or believes stand in your way of reaching your goals. Of course, you may want to use the advances of science and recommendations by your doctors, but that is part of the process of continuing to strive towards and believing in the life that you want for yourself.